We advise to check your ingredient packaging, this will confirm any storage instructions (such as “Store in a cool dry place, refrigerate once opened”), and check for a use-by date.
What if there aren’t any storage instructions on the pack?
For those cases where there aren’t instructions (or even packaging), here’s a general guide from our chefs:
Fresh or chilled foods must be refrigerated. This includes meat, dairy, and anything else that comes in your Eco Chill Box. Once opened, return to the fridge and use within 1 day. Make sure you don’t exceed the use-by date printed on the packaging.
Storecupboard items like dried pasta, rice, couscous, etc, should be stored in an airtight container and used within 1 week.
Pastes, sauces and tinned goods like tomato paste, soy sauce and tinned tomatoes, should be stored in the fridge and used within 1 day.
If you throw away the packaging make sure you take note of any allergen information and use-by date.
For more information on how to store your Gousto ingredients, check out our blog posts on How To Store Fresh Fruit & Veg So They Last Longer and How To Make Your Fresh Herbs Last Longer. You can get specific directions for storing other ingredients in this article → How do I properly store my ingredients for maximum shelf life?
Not sure what to do with your excess ingredients? You can find our entire archive of thousands of recipes on the Gousto Cookbook.
Is it possible to freeze ingredients?
Look on your ingredient packaging to find out whether or not you can freeze it. For more information on freezing Gousto leftovers, check out this article → Can I freeze Gousto ingredients?
Please remember: Make sure you fully defrost any meat or fish in the fridge before cooking. Never refreeze them once defrosted, and cook them within 24 hours of defrosting. Refreezing foods can affect texture and food safety, so it’s really important to follow these guidelines carefully.