If you pay by card you will see a pending payment reserved for your box at 12pm, 4 days before your delivery date. We will take the payment at cut-off at 12pm, 3 days before your delivery date
If this pending payment isn’t successful, we’ll send you an email to let you know so you can make sure there are valid payment details on your account before we request payment at the cut-off point. This should be before 11am, 3 days before delivery.
If you pay via PayPal, we will request payment at 12 noon, 3 days before delivery. If this payment is unsuccessful, your box will still be processed due to the way our PayPal payment system works, however, your Gousto account will go into a negative balance which will need to be paid by card.
Following a failed PayPal payment, the billing agreement between you and Gousto will automatically cancel and you will need to update your payment details to pay via card moving forward.
Please see this article for help on updating your payment information.