If your box hasn’t passed our cut off (12 noon, 3 days before delivery), you can update your safe place instructions by logging on to your account and editing your address. Once your box has shipped and you receive your tracking information you will need to update your safe place with the courier directly.
On the Website:
Step 1 Log into your Gousto account and click My Gousto
Step 2 Select the ‘Account Details’ tab and then ‘Edit’ next to Delivery info
Step 3 Select Edit next to 'My Address'
Step 4 Scroll down to 'Where can we leave your box if you're not in'
Step 5 Select one of the drop down options or select 'Other' and type in your preferred safe place. Please be aware your safe place should be someone secure and safe to avoid damage, due to the perishable contents of your Gousto box our drivers are instructed not to leave them in places that could impact the quality of your ingredients such as near a bin
Step 6 Select 'Save changes' to update this on your account
On the App:
Step 1 Log into your app and tap 'Profile' then 'Account details'.
Step 2 Tap the arrow next to your safe place address.
Step 3 Scroll down and under 'Delivery preference' specify where you would like our courier to leave your box if you aren't in.
If your box has already passed the cut off (12 noon, 3 days before delivery), you will need to contact the courier directly. Just click the link you receive via text from the courier on your delivery day.
Note: Please be as clear as possible when providing your safe place instructions. Make sure you give enough details to help the driver deliver your box safely. If the driver can’t find a suitable place to leave the box, they may return it to their depot.